frankdenneman Frank Denneman is the Chief Technologist for AI at VMware by Broadcom. He is an author of the vSphere host and clustering deep dive series, as well as a podcast host for the Unexplored Territory podcast. You can follow him on Twitter @frankdenneman

VMware vSphere 5 Clustering Technical Deepdive

2 min read

As of today the paperback versions of the VMware vSphere 5 Clustering Technical Deepdive is available at Amazon. We took the feedback into account when creating this book and are offering a Full Color version and a Black and White edition. Initially we planned to release an Ebook and a Full Color version only, but due to the high production cost associated with Full color publishing, we decided to add a Black and White edition to the line-up as well.
At this stage we do not have plans to produce any other formats. As this is self-publishing release we developed, edited and created everything from scratch. Writing and publishing a book based on new technology has serious impact on one’s life, reducing every social contact to a minimum even family life. As of this, our focus is not on releasing additional formats such as ibooks or Nook at this moment. Maybe at a later stage but VMworld is already knocking on our doors, so little time is left to spend some time with our families.
When producing the book, the page count rapidly exceeded 400 pages using the 4.1 HA and DRS layout. As many readers told us they loved the compactness of the book therefor our goal was to keep the page count increase to a minimum. Adjusting the inner margins of the book was the way to increase the amount of space available for the content. A tip for all who want to start publishing, start with getting accustomed to publisher jargon early in the game, this will save you many failed proof prints! We believe we got the right balance between white-space and content in the book, reducing the amount of pages while still offering the best reading experience. Nevertheless the number of pages grew from 219 to 348.
While writing the book, we received a lot of help and although Duncan listed all the people in his initial blog, I want to use take a moment to thank them again.
First of all I want to thank my co-author Duncan for his hard work creating content, but also spending countless hours on communication with engineering and management.
Anne Holler – DRS and SDRS engineer – Anne really went out of her way to help us understand the products. I frequently received long and elaborate replies regardless of time and day. Thanks Anne!
Next up is Doug – its number Frank not amounts! – Baer. I think most of the time Doug’s comments equaled the amount of content inside the documents. Your commitment to improve the book impressed us very much.
Gabriel Tarasuk-Levin for helping me understand the intricacies of vMotion.
A special thanks goes out to our technical reviewers and editors: Keith Farkas and Elisha Ziskind (HA Engineering), Irfan Ahmad and Rajesekar Shanmugam (DRS and SDRS Engineering), Puneet Zaroo (VMkernel scheduling), Ali Mashtizadeh and Doug Fawley and Divya Ranganathan (EVC Engineering). Thanks for keeping us honest and contributing to this book.
I want to thank VMware management team for supporting us on this project. Doug “VEEAM” Hazelman thanks for writing the foreword!
This weekend Amazon made both the black and white edition and the full color edition available. Amazon list the black and white edition as: VMware vSphere 5 Clustering Technical Deepdive (Volume 2) [Paperback], whereas the full color edition is listed with Full Color in its subtitle.
Or select the following links to go the desired product page:
Black and white paperback $29.95
Full Color paperback $49.95
For people interested in the ebook: VMware vSphere 5 Clustering Technical Deepdive (price might vary based on location)
If you prefer a European distributor, ComputerCollectief has both books available:
Black and White edition:
Full Color edition:
Pick it up, leave a comment and of course feel free to make those great mugshots again and ping them over via Facebook or our Twitter accounts! For those looking to buy in bulk (> 20) contact

frankdenneman Frank Denneman is the Chief Technologist for AI at VMware by Broadcom. He is an author of the vSphere host and clustering deep dive series, as well as a podcast host for the Unexplored Territory podcast. You can follow him on Twitter @frankdenneman

14 Replies to “VMware vSphere 5 Clustering Technical Deepdive”

  1. Appreciate all the efforts you guys are putting in writing such books time to time. Hope others can find time to write the same on different subjects which are unknown to the mass. This is the only way I can see people are learning more and more about VMware and its products/technology apart from the official documentation. This also inclines me to write something but again time is the main factor and hope either you or Duncan tell us the secret from where you guys manage to spare such time which you must be using for the family and friends but instead, finally every second towards the writing is WORTH. Hoping other will inspire by such endeavor and the saga continues.
    Keep it up and Thanks again. Already bought kindle version for now till the printed copy arrives.

  2. Thank you so much for both of your books making us experts in VMware clustering. BTW you really succeed writing/editing those books wich is not the easiest part of the work i guess… You should think about fan toys and goodies too !

  3. Congrats to both yourself and Duncan in producing another highly readable and technically interesting book. I went with the Kindle version to get my hands on a copy early on.

  4. Once again thank you very much Frank “visio” Denneman! The countless hours that went in to these diagrams and of course the content… amazing.

  5. Great job to both Frank and Duncan once again. This book is a great resource and covers great details that was previously difficult to come across.
    I do have one suggestion though. I spend a considerable amount of time with my customers talking about why MSCS is still needed with HA (and FT for that matter). The conversation really comes down to planned upgrades/OS Patches. I think you could help customers out by clarifying where MSCS (or similar OS level clustering products) in future releases of the book. But by then VMware might have released to make it a moot point… 🙂

    1. No we do not plan to release any other versions in the near future. Kindle format can be read by using the kindle app, which is available on most platforms.

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