
  Frank Denneman is the Chief Technologist for AI at VMware by Broadcom. He is an author of the vSphere host and clustering deep dive series, as well as a podcast host for the Unexplored Territory podcast. You can follow him on Twitter @frankdenneman


441 Stories by frankdenneman

Migrating VMs between DRS clusters in an elastic vDC

In the article “Migrating datastore clusters by changing storage profiles in a vCloud“ I closed with the remark that vCD is not providing an...
2 min read

3 common questions about DRS preferential VM-Host affinity rules

On a regular basis I receive questions about the behavior of DRS when dealing with preferential VM to Host affinity rules. The rules configured...
1 min read

Migrating datastore clusters by changing storage profiles in a vCloud

vCloud director 5.1 supports the use of both storage profiles and Storage DRS. One of the coolest features and unfortunately relatively unknown is the...
3 min read

VMworld 2013 – Call of Papers deadline ends today

Just a reminder here on submitting VMworld sessions. The deadline is coming up quickly. If you haven’t submitted yet, you have still some hours...
7 sec read

vMotion over layer 3?

This question regularly pops up on twitter and the community forums. And yes it works but VMware does not support vMotion interfaces in different...
18 sec read

Saving a Resource Pool Structure web client feature not suitable for vCD environments

Last week I published the article “Saving a Resource Pool Structure” describing the RP-tree backup and restore feature of vSphere 5.1 web client. Multiple...
46 sec read

Saving a Resource Pool Structure

During a troubleshooting exercise of a problem with vCenter I needed to disable DRS to make sure DRS was not the culprit. However a...
1 min read

Elastic vDC and how to span a provider vDC across multiple DRS clusters

vCloud director 5.1 provides the ability to create elastic vDC which allows an organization vDC to consume resources from multiple DRS clusters. By having...
2 min read

Would you be interested in Storage-level reservations?

In todays world it’s quite common to virtualize higher priority / tier-1 applications and services. These applications and services are usually subject to service...
2 min read

Hello world! Again

During my holiday, got some unwanted attention. I’m currently in the process of rebuilding the site. Stay tuned for new updates!
4 sec read