frankdenneman Frank Denneman is the Chief Technologist for AI at VMware by Broadcom. He is an author of the vSphere host and clustering deep dive series, as well as a podcast host for the Unexplored Territory podcast. You can follow him on Twitter @frankdenneman

WOW, voted number 2 of top virtualization blogs!

1 min read

Voted number 2 of top virtualization blogs
As many other IT-addicts, the first thing I do is pick up my phone to see what’s new on twitter, google+ and facebook and to my surprise I received a lot of direct messages and mentions congratulating on taking the second spot on the top 25 virtualization blog list. WOW talk about excitement! From being drowsy to uber-hyped in under a millisecond.
Thanks for voting me! I really appreciate the recognition. I love to blog and write articles and when I’m not researching I’m thinking of topics I can cover. Reaching the number 2 spot proves I’m doing something you all like. But actually I want to thank you for taking the time to vote on any of the top 25 blogs. Everybody spends a great deal of time researching and writing articles, getting votes is a great way to receive acknowledgement for your hard work.
A big thank you goes out to Eric for organizing this competition again. Awesome work and thanks for putting in all the effort. Viewing the stats it shows that this event is becoming more and more an industry event, organized by community members for community members. Great stuff. John, David, Simon similar to last year, great vChat. A delight to watch! BTW, thank you for the compliments! It’s always cool to hear some background details of the top 25 bloggers. I encourage you to watch the special vChat it’s great entertainment!
Congrats to Duncan for taking the number 1 spot. Well deserved! I know how much effort you put into the blog. Outstanding stuff. Congrats to the rest of the top 25 and a special congrats goes out to Cormac. Well deserved to enter in the top 10. If you are on twitter make sure you follow each and everyone of the top 25. These guys are a special bunch, all passionately about virtualization and great bunch of people in general. Here is the list of the top 25 on twitter:

Rank Name Twitter
01 Duncan Epping @DuncanYB
02 Frank Denneman @FrankDenneman
03 Scott Lowe @scott_lowe
04 Eric Sloof @ESloof
05 Chad Sakac @SakacC
06 William Lam @LamW
07 Mike Laverick @Mike_Laverick
08 Alan Renouf @AlanRenouf
09 Cormac Hogan @VMwareStorage
10 Eric Siebert @EricSiebert
11 Jason Boche @JasonBoche
12 Chris Wahl @Wahlnetwork
13 Vaugh Stewart @vStewed
14 Andre Leibovici @AndreLeibovici
15 Luc Dekens @LucD
16 Vladan Seget @vladan
17 Nick Howell @that1guynick
18 Stephen Foskett @SFoskett
19 Gabrie van Zanten @gabvirtualworld
20 Tommy Trogden @vtexan
21 Michael Webster @vcdxnz001
22 Kendrick Coleman @KendrickColeman
23 Simon Seagrave @kiwi_si
24 Derek Seaman @vDerekS
25 Brian Madden @BrianMadden
frankdenneman Frank Denneman is the Chief Technologist for AI at VMware by Broadcom. He is an author of the vSphere host and clustering deep dive series, as well as a podcast host for the Unexplored Territory podcast. You can follow him on Twitter @frankdenneman

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4 Replies to “WOW, voted number 2 of top virtualization blogs!”

  1. Very well deserved 2nd place, for me you had the top spot. Good topics, clearly written and great graphics…keep it up this year and hopefully you can make the trip to Australia and stopover in Singapore so I can have you on our local VMUG!
    Cheers, Ben

  2. Extremely well deserved, really enjoy reading your blogs! If you’re ever doing an international adventure, it would be great if you stopped by Tokyo, Japan too. Would be great to have you here.

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