frankdenneman Frank Denneman is the Chief Technologist for AI at VMware by Broadcom. He is an author of the vSphere host and clustering deep dive series, as well as a podcast host for the Unexplored Territory podcast. You can follow him on Twitter @frankdenneman

Embarking on a new adventure – Joining PernixData as Tech Evangelist

1 min read

Sometimes something comes along that makes you feel you need to get involved with. Something that makes you want to leave the comfortable position you have now and take up the challenge of starting all over again. Help turn that something into something big. Well that something is in my case PernixData and its Flash Virtualization Platform.
Joining PernixData means I’m leaving the great company of VMware and an awful lot of great colleague behind. Some of them I consider to be good friends. During my years at VMware I learned a lot and words cannot describe how awesome those years were. Designing the vCloud environment for the European launching partner, consulting a lot of the Fortune 500 firms, participating in VCDX panels around the world and co-authoring three books are some of the highlights during my time at VMware but I’m sure I’m forgetting a lot of other great moments. Being a part of the technical marketing team was amazing! Besides working alongside the best bloggers in the world I had the privilege to work with the engineers on a daily basis.  Having a job that allows you to think, talk and write about technology you absolutely love is great and difficult to let go.
But opportunities do come along and as I mentioned in the beginning some of these opportunities spark the desire to become a part of that story. When I attended a technical preview of the Flash Virtualization Platform at PernixData I got excited. I think just as excited as when I saw my first vMotion. Meeting the founders and the team made me realize that this company and product was more than just a single product, this platform is a game changer in the world of virtual infrastructure and datacenter design. Which drove me to the decision to accept a position with PernixData as Technology Evangelist.
As the Technology Evangelist I’m responsible for helping the virtualization community understand PernixData’s Flash Virtualization Platform (FVP). And as the first international employee I also will be focusing on expanding the European organization.
I will be starting at PernixData soon, can’t wait to start

frankdenneman Frank Denneman is the Chief Technologist for AI at VMware by Broadcom. He is an author of the vSphere host and clustering deep dive series, as well as a podcast host for the Unexplored Territory podcast. You can follow him on Twitter @frankdenneman

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34 Replies to “Embarking on a new adventure – Joining PernixData as…”

  1. This is a big news… Happy for you mate, but a little sad for VMware. I hope Pernix keeps making such solutions for the VMware stack.
    As always will be in touch via twitter.
    All the best!!!

  2. Good luck Frank. We had an awesome time at VMware together, trips to palo alto, the vCloud design in London, VCDX defenses… a lot of laughing, but also a lot of awesome discussions and as a result three books.
    Thanks, by the way… everyone knew the D in DRS stood for Denneman. Does this mean that the F in PernixData FVP stands for Frank?

  3. Best of luck in the new job Frank.
    PernixData seems to go for the best in the field.
    I’m pretty sure you’ll ace the new challenge that awaits you.

  4. Nice one Denners. Sad to see you go, but this sounds like an awesome opportunity for you.
    I look forward to reading all about PernixData as I have no idea what they do 🙂
    Keep in touch big man.

  5. All the best in your new role.
    Thanks for supporting VMUGs and the broader VMware community.
    I am looking forward to the PernixData blog posts 😉

  6. I wish you the very best for your new adventures. I know you will enjoy the ride, and I know we will still see you around all the VMware events here in Europe and the US. Take care !!!

  7. Sorry to hear that you’re leaving VMware, but I’m excited for the opportunities that lie ahead of you. I’m sure the decision was a difficult one, and not one taken lightly. Best of luck to you at PernixData, and I hope that we continue to have the opportunity to work together in some fashion. Congratulations!

  8. Congratulations Frank! U will make PernixData more Awesome, I have no doubt about it! I can see where Pernix is going to go now… All The Best! Keep Rocking…

  9. Congratulations Frank.
    Thanks for all the VMware information you’ve shared with us and good luck at PernixData.

  10. You will be a loss to VMware that is for sure – and a huge gain for PernixData.
    Wishing you lots of success in your new role Frank!
    Go Get’em!!

  11. Yes…..really a shock…news…but have to accept the change…
    we all still expect…news and blogs…about the vmware..and of course more about PernixData…..eagerly waiting blogs about their technology.
    Good luck and best wishes for your new role.

  12. All the best and exciting as I am sure the decision was hard, but with risk comes reward as I am sure it will be for you!

  13. Wow! That’s big news! Congrats to you Frank! I wish you all the best! Sounds like a great opportunity.
    Keep me posted on PernixData – I’d like to learn more.
    Look forward to seeing you around again soon!

  14. Congrats Frank and all the best for your new challenge! Can’t wait hearing you evangelise this new technology!

  15. Congrats. For sure a hard decision. As with most important things in life. Best of luck and also can’t wait to hear about what’s coming!

  16. Congrats on the role Frank! Pernix Data have taken on one of the smartest people I have ever met! Good luck for the future, and hope to see you at an event soon.

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