frankdenneman Frank Denneman is the Chief Technologist for AI at VMware by Broadcom. He is an author of the vSphere host and clustering deep dive series, as well as a podcast host for the Unexplored Territory podcast. You can follow him on Twitter @frankdenneman

Who to vote for?

2 min read

This week Eric Siebert opened up the 2014 edition of top virtualization blog contest. For the industry this is one of the highlights and applaud the effort Eric and his team of volunteers put in to make this work. I cannot wait to the watch the show in which they unveil this years top 25 winners. A big thank you to Eric and the team!
Most of the time you will see blog articles that highlight this years effort and I think they are great. As there are so many great bloggers writing and sharing their thoughts and ideas, it’s very easy to miss out on some brilliant post. A quick scan of these posts helps to (re)discover the wealth of information that is out there.
Last year I was voted number 2, however this year the frequency (hopefully not the quality) of my blog articles went down. This was due to my career change and the new responsibilities my job role encompasses. Plus creating the vSphere design book took a lot of time and effort. For this years VMworld we have planned something even better, so please stay tuned for this years VMworld book!
But this post is not about me as a blogger and my material, but to highlight some of the bloggers that help the community understand the product better, comprehend the behavior of the complex systems we work with every day and the insights they provide by spending a lot of their (spare) time writing and creating these great articles. Voting for them you will help them understand that their time and effort is well spend!
First of all, guys like Duncan Epping, Cormac Hogan, William Lam and Eric Sloof relentlessly churn out great collateral, whether it is a written article, podcast or video. It keeps the community well fed when it comes to quality information. Writing a great article is a challenge, doing this on a continuous basis is even more impressive!
But I would like to highlight some of the guys that are considered “new” guys. They are all industry veterans, but they decided to pick up blogging recently. I would like to highlight these guys, but there are many more of course.
Pete writes a lot about PernixData, but that’s not the reason I want to highlight him. His articles are quite in-depth and I love reading those articles as I learn from them every time Pete decides to post his most recent insights. For example in the article “Observations of PernixData in a Production environment” he covers the IOPS, Throughput & Latency relationship in great detail. In this exercise he discovers that applications do not use a static block size, something you don’t read that often. He correlates specific output and explains how each metric interacts which each other, educating you along the way and helping you to do a better and more effective job in your own environment.
Josh is listed both on the general blogging list as well as a newcomer and I think he deserves to be “rookie of the year” Josh’s insight are very valuable and its always a joy to read his articles. His VCDX articles are top notch and are a must read for every aspiring VCDX candidate. Just too bad he decided to join Nutanix ;).
Luca Dell’
Dropping knowledge both in English and Italian, Luca is covering new technologies as well as insight full tips and tricks on a frequent basis. Ranging from reclaiming space on a Windows 2012 installation to a complete write up on how to create a valuable I/O test virtual machine. A blog that should be visited regularly.
Willem ter
Not your average virtualization blog, Willem covers the startup world by interviewing CEO’s and CTOs of the hottest and newest startups this world currently has to offer. Willem provides insights of upcoming technology and allows its readers to place and compare different technologies. A welcome change of pace after spending a day knee-deep into the bits and bytes
Consuming those stories and articles on a daily basis, are they helpful in your daily work? Please show your appreciation and vote today on your favorite blogs! Thanks!
Please vote now!

frankdenneman Frank Denneman is the Chief Technologist for AI at VMware by Broadcom. He is an author of the vSphere host and clustering deep dive series, as well as a podcast host for the Unexplored Territory podcast. You can follow him on Twitter @frankdenneman

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