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Simulating NUMA Nodes for Nested ESXi Virtual Appliances
To troubleshoot a particular NUMA client behavior in a heterogenous multi-cloud environment, I needed to set up an ESXi7.0 environment. Currently,...
DRS Migration Threshold in vSphere 7
DRS in vSphere 7 is equipped with a new algorithm. The old algorithm measured the load of each host in the...
Machine Learning Workload and GPGPU NUMA Node Locality
In the previous article “PCIe Device NUMA Node Locality” I covered the physical connection between the processor and the PCIe device...
VMware Cloud on AWS on Virtually Speaking Podcast
Last week I had the pleasure of connecting again with my friends and colleagues Pete Flecha a.k.a PedroArrow and eternal sunshine...
My New Role
A couple of months ago I joined the Office of the CTO of the Cloud Platform Business Unit and started reporting...
To which host-level latency statistic is the SIOC congestion threshold related?
Today someone asked if the congestion threshold of SIOC is related to which host latency threshold? Is it the Device average...
IP-Hash versus LBT
vSwitch configuration and load-balancing policy selection are major parts of a virtual infrastructure design. Selecting a load-balancing policy can have impact...
Setting Correct Percentage of Cluster Resources Reserved
vSphere introduced the HA admission control policy “Percentage of Cluster Resources Reserved”. This policy allows the user to specify a percentage...
Beating a dead horse – using CPU affinity
Lately the question about setting CPU affinity is rearing its ugly head again. Will it offer performance advantages for the virtual...
AMD Magny-Cours and ESX
AMD’s current flagship model is the 12-core 6100 Opteron code name Magny-Cours. Its architecture is quite interesting to say at least....