Playing tonight: DRS and the IO controllers

Ever wondered why the band is always mentioned second, is the band replaceable? Is the sound of the instruments so ambiguous...
3 min read

Help my DRS cluster is not load balancing!

Unfortunately I still see this cry for help appearing on the VMTN forums and on twitter. And they usually are accompanied...
1 min read

3 common questions about DRS preferential VM-Host affinity rules

On a regular basis I receive questions about the behavior of DRS when dealing with preferential VM to Host affinity rules....
1 min read

Migrating datastore clusters by changing storage profiles in a vCloud

vCloud director 5.1 supports the use of both storage profiles and Storage DRS. One of the coolest features and unfortunately relatively...
3 min read

Saving a Resource Pool Structure web client feature not suitable for vCD environments

Last week I published the article “Saving a Resource Pool Structure” describing the RP-tree backup and restore feature of vSphere 5.1...
46 sec read

Saving a Resource Pool Structure

During a troubleshooting exercise of a problem with vCenter I needed to disable DRS to make sure DRS was not the...
1 min read

There is a new fling in town: DRMdiagnose

This week the DRMdiagnose fling is published. Produced by the resource management team and just in case you are wondering, DRM...
1 min read

Distribution of resources based on shares in a Resource pool environment

Unfortunately Resource pools seem to have a bad rep, pair them with the word shares and we might as well call...
4 min read

Do you use vApps?

We’re interested in learning more about how you use vApps for workload provisioning today and how you envision it evolving in...
9 sec read

Implicit anti-affinity rules and DRS placement behavior

Yesterday I had an interesting conversation with a colleague about affinity rules and if DRS reviews the complete state of the...
2 min read