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Simulating NUMA Nodes for Nested ESXi Virtual Appliances
To troubleshoot a particular NUMA client behavior in a heterogenous multi-cloud environment, I needed to set up an ESXi7.0 environment. Currently,...
vSphere 8 CPU Topology for Large Memory Footprint VMs Exceeding NUMA Boundaries
By default, vSphere manages the vCPU configuration and vNUMA topology automatically. vSphere attempts to keep the VM within a NUMA node...
Sub-NUMA Clustering
I’m noticing a trend that more ESXi hosts have Sub-NUMA Clustering enabled. Typically this setting is used in the High-Performance Computing...
Unexplored Territory Podcast Episode 19 – Discussing NUMA and Cores per Sockets with the main CPU engineer of vSphere
Richard Lu joined us to talk basics of NUMA, Cores per Socket, why modern windows and mac systems have a default...
Solving vNUMA Topology Mismatch When Migrating between Dual Socket Servers and Quad Socket Servers
I recently received a few questions from customers migrating between clusters with different CPU socket footprints. The challenge is not necessarily...
vSphere 7 Cores per Socket and Virtual NUMA
Regularly I meet with customers to discuss NUMA technology, and one of the topics that are always on the list is...
Machine Learning Workload and GPGPU NUMA Node Locality
In the previous article “PCIe Device NUMA Node Locality” I covered the physical connection between the processor and the PCIe device...
PCIe Device NUMA Node Locality
During this Christmas break, I wanted to learn PowerCLI properly. As I’m researching the use-cases of new hardware types and workloads...
60 Minutes of NUMA VMworld Session Commands
Verify Distribution of Memory Modules with PowerCLI Get-CimInstance -CimSession $Session CIM_PhysicalMemory | select BankLabel, Description, @{n=‘Capacity in GB';e={$_.Capacity/1GB}} PowerCLI Script to...