The misconception of self-learning capabilities of Large Language Models during Production

I enjoyed engaging with many customers about bringing Gen-AI to the on-prem data center at VMware Explore. Many customers want to keep their data and IP between the four...
4 min read

#47 – How VMware accelerates customers achieving their net zero carbon emissions goal

In episode 047, we spoke with Varghese Philipose about VMware’s sustainability efforts and how they help our customers meet...
26 sec read

#46 – VMware Cloud Flex Compute Tech Preview

We’re extending the VMware Cloud Services overview series with a tech preview of the VMware Cloud Flex Compute service....
39 sec read

VMware Cloud Services Overview Podcast Series

Over the last year, we’ve interviewed many guests, and throughout the Unexplored Territory Podcast show, we wanted to provide...
1 min read

Research and Innovation at VMware with Chris Wolf

In episode 042 of the Unexplored Territory podcast, we talk to Chris Wolf, Chief Research and Innovation Officer of...
19 sec read

Gen AI Sessions at Explore Barcelona 2023

I’m looking forward to next week’s VMware Explore conference in Barcelona. It’s going to be a busy week. Hopefully, I will...
1 min read

vSphere ML Accelerator Spectrum Deep Dive – Using Dynamic DirectPath IO (Passthrough) with VMs 

vSphere 7 and 8 offer two passthrough options, DirectPath IO and Dynamic DirectPath IO. Dynamic DirectPath IO is the vSphere brand...
5 min read

vSphere ML Accelerator Spectrum Deep Dive – ESXi Host BIOS, VM, and vCenter Settings

To deploy a virtual machine with a vGPU, whether a TKG worker node or a regular VM, you must enable some...
16 min read

All Stories

Initial Placement of a vSphere Pod

Project Pacific transforms vSphere into a unified application platform. This new platform runs both virtual machine and Linux containers as native...
5 min read

Multi-GPU and Distributed Deep Learning

More enterprises are incorporating machine learning (ML) into their operations, products, and services. Similar to other workloads, a hybrid-cloud model strategy...
6 min read

Machine Learning Workload and GPGPU NUMA Node Locality

In the previous article “PCIe Device NUMA Node Locality” I covered the physical connection between the processor and the PCIe device...
10 min read

PCIe Device NUMA Node Locality

During this Christmas break, I wanted to learn PowerCLI properly. As I’m researching the use-cases of new hardware types and workloads...
6 min read

vSphere 6.5+ DRS Pairwise Balancing

Or maybe I should have called this blog post, “I’m seeing an excessive number of DRS initiated vMotions on my newly upgraded...
2 min read

AMD EPYC Naples vs Rome and vSphere CPU Scheduler Updates

Recently AMD announced the 2nd generation of the AMD EPYC CPU architecture, the EPYC 7002 series. Most refer to the new CPU...
7 min read

60 Minutes of NUMA VMworld Session Commands

Verify Distribution of Memory Modules with PowerCLI Get-CimInstance -CimSession $Session CIM_PhysicalMemory | select BankLabel, Description, @{n=‘Capacity in GB';e={$_.Capacity/1GB}} PowerCLI Script to...
17 sec read

5 Things to Know About Project Pacific

During the keynote of the first day of VMworld 2019, Pat unveiled Project Pacific. In short, project Pacific transforms vSphere into...
4 min read

VMworld US 2019 – Know Before You Go Podcast

Last week I had the pleasure of connecting again with my friends and colleagues Pete Flecha, Duncan Epping and amateur back...
27 sec read

Allen, McKeown, and Kondo

The title is a reference to one of the most interesting books I have ever read, Escher, Godel, and Bach. Someone...
5 min read