frankdenneman Frank Denneman is the Chief Technologist for AI at VMware by Broadcom. He is an author of the vSphere host and clustering deep dive series, as well as a podcast host for the Unexplored Territory podcast. You can follow him on Twitter @frankdenneman

Wrap-up 2009

55 sec read

Daniel Easons blog post inspired me to write a wrap-up of 2009 myself. Beside the career move described in the previous post, 2009 was a year of finding two new addictions. Blogging and twitter(@frankdenneman). Beginning of February I started blogging and the first article was received pretty well. The article got mentioned on Yellow Bricks the same day. Now 10 months later, more than 37.000 people visited the site. It cannot hold a candle to the great blogs out there, but it’s nice start. Some of my articles appeared in a few Top 5 Planetv12n lists, got mentioned on Yellow Bricks and were featured in Scott Lowe’s virtualization short takes.
Trying to create in-depth articles is an excellent way to learn stuff. Most of the time describing a certain subject somehow challenged my current knowledge of that topic and ended up spending ridiculous amounts of time researching that particular subject. More often than not coming across very interesting material not really related to the subject but similarly interesting, consuming even more time. Some articles are more popular than others; these are the top five visited articles this year;
1. Increasing the queue depth
2. Lefthand SAN – Lessons learned
3. HP Continuous Access and the use of LUN balancing scripts
4. Impact of memory reservations
5. NFS and IP-HASH Load-Balancing
Lately I’m running into a few limitations of the free wordpress blog themes, that’s why I’ve decided to move to another site, stay tuned for the URL.
I’m aiming to release the new site at the beginning of next year.

frankdenneman Frank Denneman is the Chief Technologist for AI at VMware by Broadcom. He is an author of the vSphere host and clustering deep dive series, as well as a podcast host for the Unexplored Territory podcast. You can follow him on Twitter @frankdenneman

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2 Replies to “Wrap-up 2009”

  1. Certainly I must agree that by creating articles I’m learning stuff. Strangely enough it must wake up some part of memory to become more active and this way we are able to remember stuff more easily. My addiction to blogging and wordpress (and tweetdeck) = 100% agree…-:)
    I also agree that having a blog at is limitating factor, that’s why since the beginning I took the option to be independent. Thus, the hosting factor is also very important, because I would not recommend (even to my enemy) moving from one hoster to another… Better to choose the right host since the beginning too…. -:)Thanks to my sponsor, I do not have to worry about hosting any more..
    Good luck for next year Frank.

  2. You’re such an enthusiast that you even got me sort of addicted to blogging 😉

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